Staring each day mindfully – a very small beginning can make a huge difference

Having a few days away from work has given me the opportunity to spend the first part of my day with a mindful practice. The one I like best is just sitting, breathing, sometimes with eyes closed and sometimes with them open to enjoy the amazing things I get to see around me. It doesn’t matter for how long. This opportunity this morning reminded me of what a difference it makes to how I greet the rest of the day. It is like a firm foundation from which to venture out. Even a brief mindful pause as we set out on the rest of the busy day makes a big difference. My plan is to keep this going even if it is only for 60 seconds. This commitment to regular practice is enough to make a difference. What I have found is that when I start small with something I know I can manage then it grows from there. Why not join me each day wherever you are in a commitment to something small and see what happens.

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